These invisible rail systems are becoming more and more accepted (e.g. heysmile®, nivellipso® etc.). The principle is quite simple: the dentist creates a 3D scan of the initial situation in the mouth. The path that each tooth must travel from the initial situation to the desired target position is now calculated on a computer. This path is divided into small steps, from each step a denture model and a transparent splint are made.
If these aligners are now gradually changed every week, the teeth will slowly move into their target position due to the pre-tension and pressure of the splint.
Once they get there, they are permanently fixed so that they can no longer migrate back.
The splints have to be worn 22 out of 24 hours a day during the treatment period, which can last from a few weeks to several months, but they hardly impede the patient's appearance or speech. They are only removed at mealtimes and when cleaning teeth.
We refer more complex cases that cannot be treated with invisible splints to an experienced orthodontist near us.
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